The Stress Nanny with Lindsay Miller

How to Shift Your Energy

Lindsay Miller Season 8 Episode 49

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In this episode of the #8 ranked stress podcast, I chat with Dr. Vic Manzo. He shares insights on how to be aware of the energy we bring to our family interactions. With relatable stories and practical exercises, Vic will empower you to change the energy you bring to your family interactions to improve your relationships.

Dr. Vic Manzo is an International Business Success Coach, Founder of the Billionaire’s Success Formula, Chiropractor, 3x Author, Podcaster and Speaker. He is the author of 3 books, the most recent, "Decoding The Matrix," which came out in May 2022. Dr. Vic is the founder of the Billionaire’s Success Formua which he has stumbled upon after an accumulation of 15 years of experience while studying quantum physics, neuroscience, universal laws, consciousness, mindset, subconscious mind, limiting beliefs, reframing one’s mind, neurolinguistic programming, self-hypnosis and behaviorial neurology. To connect with Vic, visit his website or download his free eBook on Mindset

Lindsay Miller is a kids mindfulness coach, mindfulness educator and  host of The Stress Nanny Podcast. She is known for her suitcase tricks  and playful laugh. When she's not playing catch with her daughter or  rollerblading on local trails with her husband, you can find her using  her 20+ years of child development study and mindfulness certification  to dream up new ways to get kids excited about deep breathing. Having  been featured on numerous podcasts, platforms and publications,  Lindsay’s words of wisdom are high impact and leave a lasting impression  wherever she goes. To download Lindsay’s Mindfulness At Any Age Guide  click here. To rate the podcast click here.

Lindsay Miller is a distinguished kids mindfulness coach, mindfulness educator and host of The Stress Nanny Podcast. She is known for her suitcase tricks and playful laugh. When she's not playing catch with her daughter or rollerblading on local trails with her husband, you can find her using her 20+ years of child development study and mindfulness certification to dream up new ways to get kids excited about deep breathing. Having been featured on numerous podcasts, platforms and publications, Lindsay’s words of wisdom are high impact and leave a lasting impression wherever she goes. To sign up for Lindsay's "Calm & Collected" Newsletter click here.

Lindsay Miller  0:07  
You're listening to The Stress Nanny podcast and I'm your host, Lindsay Miller. I'm here to help you keep an eye on your family stress levels. In our fast paced lives, the ability to manage stress has never been more important for kids or adults. When it comes to stress, we have two choices we can decrease stress or increase our resilience to it. Here on the number eight ranked stress podcast, I interview experts and share insights to help you do both. When you tune in each week, you'll bring your stress levels down and your resilience up so that stress doesn't get in the way of you living your best life. I'm so glad you're here. 

Hey there! This is Lindsay. Thanks for joining me this week on the podcast. This episode was so fun, Vic has such great energy. And he talks a lot about how the energetics that we bring to our interactions with other people, especially our kids have an impact. And then you know, he shares some simple ideas on how to kind of reset our energy. So if we're coming to our family members feeling frazzled or overwhelmed or overly stressed, he gives us some tips on how to just kind of take a deep breath and sink into the ideal way or the way we want to interact with them to be more intentional about the energy that we bring to our family interactions. So I hope you enjoy it onto the episode. 

Welcome to The Stress Nanny podcast. I'm your host Lindsay Miller and I'm so excited you're here today. My guest is Dr. Vic Monzo. He's a business mindset coach certified pediatric chiropractor, three time author, podcaster and speaker. He's the author of three books, the most recent one being decoding the matrix powerful tips for unleashing your potential and accelerating your spiritual awakening. Dr. Vic has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs learn how to create their dream life and lead a fulfilled life effortlessly. So you're sharing principles of living in the quantum world. Dr. Vic, thank you so much for joining me today.

Dr. Vic Manzo  2:03  
I'm excited to be here. And I'm really excited for our conversation.

Lindsay Miller  2:06  
Yeah, I am too. So there are so many topics that we could touch on. As we get started, give us kind of a background into how you came to practice both like pediatric chiropractic care. And then also now how you kind of landed in this field where you help entrepreneurs as a mindset coach.

Dr. Vic Manzo  2:25  
Yeah, I never thought about being a chiropractor. I didn't come from you know, and have doctors in my family or anything. It was a health issue I had and long story short, chiropractic drastically changed my life on so many levels. But when I got into chiropractic, I didn't focus on pediatrics. When I was in school a little bit, I was like interested in it. But then when I came out of school, I had a background and you'd like to study I self taught myself nutrition. I've been known for over 20 years now, and all this stuff. So I was like an other passion of mine. So I was like I'll put the pediatrics on the side, let me do let me work with individuals with chronic illnesses and help them realistically. But it was about five years into my practice where my practice ended up not being what I thought I wanted it to be. And I started to get results like I was, I was starting to see research and kids and the stats of chronic illnesses and the rise of autism and ADHD and all this stuff. And I'm like, I don't like where this is going. And at that point I made a decision was like I need to, at least in my community where I was practicing, I'm like, this is not going to be okay for me. I'm like this needs to change and I'm going to be that person if I have to be not from an ego place just like we need to make a change. This is not good. And to get moms hope that was my main mission. And so we went pediatrics then a couple years later I finished finalized my certification in pediatrics is like about 200 hours to just really be able to specialize. But when I made the shift, I changed a lot of my business practices around instead of listening to what the big gurus in business tell you or the most successful chiropractors I was following or what's in his health, health and personal development. I was burned out every four to six months, it was very puzzling for someone like myself, to be in that state. When I'm extremely passionate about chiropractic. I just couldn't understand like, How can I still be getting burned out when I am so passionate, I love what I do. And then I realized, you know I was fulfilling other people's I was being prototypes other people I call this conditioning of the mind or you get conditioned in some way. And I thought, well, this is what successful chiropractors do or what a successful pediatric chiropractor does. And so I had those imprints and when I broke away from that I had to unlearn and rewire my subconscious. When I went through this process, I started to realize that success doesn't have to be stressful, and grind and hustle and all these things. You can do it effortlessly. There's a dance to this. And there is a way to do it effortlessly where there's laws on this universal laws and so forth. And I did that and that's what introduced me to want to be like you know what, just like I was with kids and seeing what was going on there and I was told I need to do this. It was the same thing where I started looking at the business world going, This isn't good. Like we do this in the western civilization all together. We're all about doing doing doing doing doing all day long. especially moms right. I worked with a ton of moms And it's always the doo doo doo doo doo, I have to hurry up your doctor, I gotta get my appointment that I'm gonna go over here. After this Justin, I gotta go here, take Johnny here and go here and do this and do this and this and I'm hopefully I'll be home by six, seven o'clock to get dinner ready. And I'm just looking I'm going Yeah, and you wonder why your care plan is so high in frequency and and I'm not letting you go lower. Now you know, you see in that a little any story short I ended up I started doing coaching as a side hustle about three, four years about four years ago now. And last year, my wife and I, we decided it wasn't last year, it was a few years ago. But we finally made the move to get out of Illinois and go to Knoxville, Tennessee. And when we made that transition, I decided not to practice for the time being, and just do my coaching full time, which has been a blast and helping people in that aspect. But that's kind of how I made the transition has led me up to where I am today.

Lindsay Miller  5:46  
Yeah, thank you so much. There's so much in that story that I want to ask you about. First of all, thank you for pointing out the tendency that moms have, you know, we have that tendency to just kind of go go go care for everybody else first and just make that to do list. You know, like the primary driver in our day. And I was talking to a mom yesterday, and she was like, I just don't stop. You know, like, even just taking those few minutes at lunch or, you know, taking a minute to breathe or focusing on kind of how you're doing and what you need just for you know, just a couple minutes even a day. She's like, I just don't I just go you know, like you said, I just go all day long without even giving it a second thought. So what do you say to a mom like that? who's like, I don't know any other way to roll, you know, like to take care of the kids to get stuff done to you know, work, work around the house workout work? Like, how do you do it?

Dr. Vic Manzo  6:38  
Yeah, that's supermom syndrome, right. It's all about just constantly doing all the time. And the thing you got to do is, and I tell this to moms all the time, first, you know, find somewhere in your day. Now, if you have to get up early or go up really well, I can't get up earlier, Doc, I gotta go on the bed so late, I can't get up. Okay, I'm like, hold on, let's, let's just just just go with me on this. Let's just just play with me here for a second. I was like, I want you to get up earlier and take care of yourself, I don't care if it's 10 minutes, we'll use some there's hacks, you can do like breath work, you can do breathing exercises for 1011 minutes. And that's going to you know, if you do that for a couple of weeks to a couple months, you'll get to a point of where Yogi's take 20 to 30 years to get to, right, these a little neuro hacks, it's critical, because you're giving yourself a moment, just to reset your nervous system. The reason why you're going all the time is you're in massive stress mode, your nervous system stuck in that way. So then you're just like, wanting the next one, I go here, I gotta go here, I gotta go here. And the other thing is, and for all any males that are listening, unfortunately, may not like what I'm about to say. But women are more advanced neurologically than males are, they just are you're wired differently than we are neurologically, the way the brain is wired is totally different from male and biological, male, biological, female. And so you when when you're going all the time, you're not only just going and doing one thing, or six or seven other things on top of that, I get stressed just thinking about this process. But it's it's one of those things, how are you filling your cup? See, because when you fill your cup up in the mall, and I always recommend mornings, because you do because what does it say normal normal day in a household kids that go to school, it's 637 o'clock, kids are getting up. And it's just like, it's a madhouse and you're hoping you can get them all on time. And then after that you're you may have a job to go to, if you're a stay at home mom, and you're trying to take keep up with things you have a little one to take care of. I mean, I get it, I've heard a lot of the stories. And so these things can all adapt. Because even like when I work with coaching clients, and they have kids, I'm always telling them, there's no don't use your kid as an excuse. That's not that I do that is not allowed in my art. Like when I work with people like that isn't you don't use your kid as an excuse. You learn how to adapt to it. And getting up low earlier always helps. Because when you can slow things down, you slow the mind down, then you can focus a little better, then it just becomes I'm just focusing here, this is hard for females to do in general. And I say females, it's right brain dominant individuals if we want to take genders out, because it's one of the things where again, you're wired about men have wiring from one side of the brain to the other, we only have one wire that connects us through. So it's one thing that connects to another that connection. Females have about seven to eight. So what that means is this, if I have a yellow pencil here, right neon yellow looking pencil mechanical pencil, to me, it's just a yellow pencil, it means nothing else. To me, it's just a yellow pencil. To a female, it's a yellow pencil, but then that yellow may relate to a kid or something in their life. It takes another app is over here, maybe related. So it's like 567 different things. And so that's why the firt that's why I always recommend breathwork a lot. And I used to recommend to a lot of moms just to slow down, you get more centered, then you're more focused and productive. You're not in survival mode, just bouncing around all the time. You're all of a sudden, like you're when you slow things down on the brain, you get out of this lower part of your brain called the reptilian and you rise up more to a part of your brain right behind your forehead. This is future planning. This is an executive function. This is focusing concentration. So when you can stimulate that a little bit, then all of a sudden it's like hold on here we go. I'm gonna do this. I'm gonna do this. I'm gonna do this And then once you're done, you're like, Okay, we're done, we get in the school, boom, gone to school, get back home, here we go, I'm at the end of this. And it's just, everything's just more in a calm state. Now, some people, I used to have moms say, I do that already. And I look and I'll go, neurologically, you're gonna tell me that you're not over firing. I was like, because I'm always about, like, let's get the BS out of the way. I'm like, let's let's just look at let's be real here. Because I really want to see you get results, I really want you to be at your best. And I have no I have, I have technology I was at the time I can test them and go, Yeah, your nervous system is not telling me what you're telling me. So we need you know, let's, let's play with us a little. Because you may be really good at doing that. And most, you know, most right brain dominant individuals, moms, they are very good at multitasking. You know, multitasking is not really a thing. But you can take out a lot. So the key is slow down, then what happens is productivity of concentration and focus goes up, you're not exerting so excess energy. That's the point of all this. And when you start to do that, then all of a sudden, you can slow and calm, and then you're able to take on things as they come not trying to think of all the other things you have to do in your day. Because what I've noticed with a lot of moms is they're always thinking into the future. What's the next step I have to do? What's the next thing I have to do? And I'm always like, come here, like, that'd be me office and it just rattling off stuff. But like, Hold on, I want you here. You're not here right now. I want you present with me. Let's just have this combo. Well, I'm gonna make sure the kids are here. Okay, what time is it? What's this? And I'm just like, yeah, I go. It's like, oh, I have an image in my head. But I don't know what that kid is like a bird. It's like all over the place. But long story short, it's where we're easily distracted, because we're so wired. And the question is, just to tie it all together, then what are we teaching our kids in that process? Because that's the bit I just became a dad five months ago. And thank you, and knowing all that, I know. I always tell my wife and I talked about all the time, like, we're gonna, we're gonna mess up. It's gonna happen. It's, we're humans, it's gonna happen. But I was like, but at least we we have no excuse. We know these things. Like we know, the modeling effect. We know when neurologically these mean to start to happen in the womb. Like even when, when it comes to like, my son, my daughter is only five months old. And if my wife were having a conversation or an argument, I look and I go, she's getting programmed, right there. And then so we have to be very mindful of not only having her see us in that way, but also have her see us solve it. Now some people go, Yeah, I don't know about that. Well, based on the research we're seeing, I mean, these we call them impressions on the nervous system. They happen in the womb, like where mom and dad's emotions are and how they viewpoints are, how is it that their viewpoints, let's say there was an oops, that happen? Right? And all of a sudden, later down the life that baby's born, and later in life, they feel like they're never really felt wanted? They don't feel needed? Why were they having those feelings? Well, then they have the, you know, surveys on this stuff, and they find out that there was patterns of like, Oh, that wasn't this, you guys, maybe the husband and wife, maybe mom did it, maybe it was a chaotic, maybe wasn't ready, whatever it may be. So these are imprints that are put on the nervous system. So when we're always on the go or running all over the place, or you know, doing those kinds of things. What are we teaching our children? And what habits are they learning because kids always learn by modeling, you know, the brain at their time, the way they're developing right now, between ages zero and seven. Everything's images and energy. And what I mean by energy is a feeling of some sort. And images, their brains are taking snapshots. So they might not understand what's going on. But they can feel the energy of things. We don't give credit to kids and how smart they are. And I'm not saying brain smart and fast, smart. I'm not judging it. But I'm talking the instinctual adaptation smart. I mean, they're amazing. They can sense energy. I mean, when I'm rocking my baby to sleep, and she's fiddling and kicking, and, you know, she doesn't like she has to be held to go to sleep. That's just what she is. And we're like, Hey, this is where she is what we help wherever she's at. And when she gets all mad, I'm like, Okay, would you just stop kicking? I need you to sleep right now. And then I'm like, you know, hold on, my energy's not right. Let me take a deep breath. Let me calm a second. Now just do deep breath for like, a couple of minutes. Also, I look she's sleeping. And I'm going, I fought her all this time. I call my energy. Look what happens.

Lindsay Miller  14:05  
Yeah, oh, those are such great insights. And so many things. I think that the modeling piece is so important here to to mention, because, you know, like, I teach kids mindfulness, right, like I coach kids in mindfulness. So we'll walk through different scenarios. And we use really fun and playful ways to understand how your brain works and what's going on and how to work with its different tendencies. And a lot of what I hear from parents is like, I don't know how to teach this, you know, like, I'm with them half hour a week, right? And then I give the parent an update, and we talk through, here's how you can follow up at home, but like, it doesn't come naturally, necessarily, you know, to kind of like imbue life with this mindful perspective. But what you just said is like the primary way that you teach it, right, it's by doing it yourself, and then letting your child see you and then being able to engage with life from that place of presence, like you're saying, because as moms there's, you know, a myriad tasks that were Trying to take care of and often it feels like there's too many things to fit in one day. And it's just like you feel like you have to be, you know, trying to do six things at once or thinking through the next scenario. And so being able to tune into that space, when we do like, take a minute Calm down, tune into the prefrontal cortex, like get organized and prioritize, then we not only model that kind of like organization, and more, maybe settled or intentional approach to managing our time in our life. But we also model mindfulness in just slowing, like you said, in the fact that we just, Okay, I'm feeling kind of frazzled right now. I'm feeling like there's a lot going on. And instead of losing it, and letting that stress kind of like explode out of me, or I call it like splatter, painting emotion, instead of letting the emotion just splatter paint everywhere, all over everyone, I'm gonna go inward for a second, take the time that I need to connect, and to settle and to be present. And then from there, like the ease can flow in a way that you don't think it would. Because if you go into it with all of those different things pulling on your attention, right, you don't think that ease is going to be the result of a few extra minutes, you think I'm going to be more stressed, I'm going to be more frantic, because I don't have those extra minutes. But really, what you're saying is there's more ease and more like a different way to connect like you did with your daughter, you could be super frustrated, like just go to sleep already. And then you can say like, Okay, I'm gonna take a minute. And then the sleep can flow.

Dr. Vic Manzo  16:32  
100% I mean, this is this is something that, you know, we as I was going somewhere with the energy, and I forgot, but I'll come back to me, but it's, it's just being mindful in the moment, right, and you can do the breathing stuff at any given time. I mean, it's not just in the morning, because then you start to get you, you want to develop this neurologically to a point where it's like, okay, hold on, let me just let me let me check in really quick. Let me just see. And I always do this with my, with even my own coaching clients, I do this where I'm always just like, Hey, have check ins see where you're at? See where your minds that were How you feeling, you know, get used to because I teach a lot people get back in the body. Kids know how to be in their bodies, adults, we've kind of lost that art. We weren't taught these things. And it that's why it's so hard to like, mindfulness. Oh my god, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. Animals do it. Look at an animal look at dogs look at I love looking at like, I love animals. It's funny, there's a, my wife sent me this meme. And she's like, there's a point in time as you get you didn't care about birds. And then all of a sudden, there's just something that happens at a certain age. And then you know, you see a bird, you know exactly what it is. And I look and I go, that is so weird in so many levels, because that's, that's happening to me in the last year. And I'm like, but I go, I don't know if it's because I just have appreciation for animals. And I had chickens before. And I think that's what opened the door for me to be like I see the patterns of what birds do. And I'm like, I could see how they're related. And look what that's exactly what a chicken used to do. But it's but watching them and how mindful they are in that practice. That's our natural instinct to be that way. And one thing that I share a lot with clients is because you know, in business world, everything's how to be more productive, and how to get more done. And I'm always like, well, in everyone, you know, the biggest thing is always time management skills on how to be more productive skills and all this and I'm like, forget that stuff, that's not going to work, you're gonna stress out, like, What do you mean, I said, Be energy have energy management. That's a whole different concept. That's kind of what we're talking about. Because when you can just slow your energy down and be more focused at the moment, you get more done in a very short period of time. And you'll actually actually have more time at the end of your day. And this is why it's so critical. How do we slow down, the easiest thing is breathwork, the best thing is meditation. But that's probably going to make more people frustrated and aggravated. That's why I always use breathwork instead. Because then you can when you slow things down, you get it's just like the grind and hustle mentality. I see this again, this is there's no difference in what we see the issues that we see in business world and what people teach taught and entrepreneurs, it's exact same thing and normal life anyhow, because it's all the same conditioning. I see it in both realms. And sometimes we think that extra five minutes is going to waste my whole entire day. And it's like no, you take the next I would say if you can't take five, take 10. Because if you take 10, you're literally when you get in that prefrontal cortex you're talking about, you can easily plan things out lot faster, and you get so much more done in such a shorter period of time. And this is part of the things I share and like being effortless, and so forth, in some ways, because then it's like, I'm getting all the stuff I needed to done. I stood in eight hours, I'm doing it in three, how is this happening? And I'm like, it's pretty cool, isn't it when you can get eight hours of work done in three. And that's kind of the the principles for all moms listening. It's like, take those moments, you know, you don't have to just do it in the morning. It can be a simple, you know, research shows six breaths, six deep breaths, changes the tone of their autonomic nervous system, six deep breaths. So my recommendation, do 10 Why because sometimes people short it so much. Just to make sure sometimes my clients would do six and they'd be like, it didn't work. I still felt anxious. Okay, well, let me change my rule. Just keep doing it until you You feel calm? How's that sound? Like you sure this works? I'm like it works. I'm telling you it works. You can't I'm like, you're maybe not taking a deep breath. I mean, you're not get expending the belly enough. I'm like I can I'm not and I go send me a video then if you don't like, let me see how my take your shirt off. It's a male, just let everybody know, I'm like, take your shirt off. And I'm like, let me see that. So I can and he's like, you seriously, I'm like, No, I don't want you to do that. But if you really don't think this works, then I'd be more than happy to show you that this does work. Let me just see what's going on. Yeah, yeah,

Lindsay Miller  20:29  
troubleshoot a little bit. One of the ones I do with kids is like heart belly. So they put their hand on their heart and their hand on their belly, and both have to move, right. Like it has to be full and both hands moving in order for it to be like a deep breath. And I think, yeah, like you're saying, it's amazing the clarity that can come the productivity, but I think the beautiful thing is, it's it doesn't become about the productivity, right. And you've alluded to this in various ways. And in our conversation so far, like, once you can tune into that presence, you're not on the hamster wheel anymore, trying to get a million things done, you're trying to have the biggest impact that you can in the moments that you're in. And then that is aided by your ability to really tune in and be present and know like, what can I bring right now? What is you know, what is the most needful way I can show up what is the most meaningful thing I could be doing. And then acting from that space, it clears the deck too, right? Like a lot of stuff falls off and doesn't it doesn't make the cut. Because you start to realize the things that you're doing that are not meaningful and not intentional, don't, you know, hit the priority list quite as often. But then you're able to move more fluidly with more flow in the things that do right. And in the ways that you really engage, you can fully be there and bring all of your capacity, all of your attention, all of your energy. And just when you bring it you get stuff done.

Dr. Vic Manzo  21:54  
Actually, I mean, this is a tip that, you know, I learned this from, you know, billionaires, I studied billionaires. And I was like, how is it that they can own 1518 20 Different companies or just have mass amount of stuff? And yet they have all the time. Of course, the critics always go, they have all the money, they could pay people to do things. I was like, Yeah, but they still have to, they still have to run things. Like they still they're still creating ideas and stuff. And one of the things I have learned is they have a priority list of like two or three things. And that's the max of what they like, that's the big wins for the day. So business and life. It's all the same stuff. So it's like looking at Mom's when you're mapping out a day. What's the most biggest things that you need to get done for that day? Maybe you couldn't get laundry done today? That's okay. Is it Do kids do kids have enough laundry at least to get through another day, if they do, not a big ordeal, let it slide. Or you know, I love laundry, because you can just throw it in and set it up. And there you go. Wait for the bells that go off, come in, flip it over there. The only thing I can't stand is folding. Why? Because I have to sit there and you have to fold. But I do not that I do it often. But I do do laundry bananas off, my wife yells at me want to do laundry. So that's why she doesn't most of the time. Forget what the hang one that it's a whole nother story. But um, but long story short, it's, it's, it's again, what are the big wins and then what and it's okay, if you don't get everything done, that you wanted to get done either. I think that's another thing that we just get so much. That's why moms will have like, five cups of coffee. And then they're then you know, we live in a world where we're taking stimulants in the morning. We're taking downers at night just to you know, force our body chemically to calm and, and that's that's a whole nother issue. But the thing is, is just how then to, you know, look at what is the big things that are just going to call it a like, what would you say that'd be like a successful day or a good day, right? And just map out what's really important. And then just focus on those, like, if you have time for the other stuff, then so be it but just focus on what is the big things that need to be addressed. And then just keep your energy there. Because the mind can get overwhelmed very easily when it gets overwhelmed, then productivity goes down, and then all of a sudden, you're gonna have you're gonna be getting upset with yourself because you're not getting everything done, or the whole negative downward spiral will come. And the key factor is is that the more we can have clarity on the big things that we need. That's how we can really start to elevate our mood more and feel more satisfied and feel more, you know, like, Okay, I feel like I'm really I did three things today. Big, big three goals got done. Yeah, there's a lot of things that didn't get done. You know what, though, these things were big, those will eventually come and be a priority. And if you could shift your mindset to that kind of thinking, you'll be way less stressed way less overwhelmed. And you'll start to have that more centeredness to be like I kind of got this because life right life is all about organized chaos. That's really what it comes. It's there is there isn't what I forgotten is in quantum physics, they did something and it was like a random something thing and it looks very chaotic. But they said once you see the pattern, you'll know there's actually organization in there and I was like, That is cool. I forgot I wish I remember what it was not to go look it up. But yeah, organized chaos, right. That's life. It's chaotic. In one other way. I share my I talked this to my clients and this works well again, everything everything everyone, everyone has a mindset so we all you this all relates. I said just imagine a hurricane. Okay, life is a hurricane. It could be a category 520 If the it doesn't matter how big it is, life's a hurricane. But out of every hurricane, if you look at a satellite image, there's always a thing called the eye of the hurricane. And for those who don't know, the eye of a hurricane is if you were in the middle of a, let's say, a category F, when the left are tornadoes, category 20 Let's say that's, that's, you know, that never existed before. But long story short, if you're in the eye of that, all you see see is bliss, beauty, some sunshine, see the birds coming by, you have no clue that 1015 3050 miles away from you, there is the most death come in with with all the storm of what it's the force that's coming. So the outside of the eye is the chaos of life, your job is to how well can I pull myself back into the AI? Lives chaotic, there's so many moving parts, especially when you have one kid versus two versus three versus four versus six. There's a lot of moving parts. And I'm not even talking psychology and communicate lines of communication. We're just talking about life in general. And so when you look at that, there comes that thing like, Okay, how do we pull yourself back to center because that's what matters at the end of the day. And that's, that's the end, I'm trying to give a visualization. So if you ever checking yourself and you're like, Man, I'm where am I? Oh, I'm feeling really revved, well, you're in the chaos. Let me pull myself back. Alright, here we go. I'm back here, I'm in center. Now I can organize everything as I'm in the center. But when we're out there, you're just getting, it's like, you're just just bouncing around. And you're hoping you're praying you're you're you haven't some hope that things may get the way you want it to be. And a lot of people live that kind of way. And I'm not judging that in any way, shape, or form. It's just there's other ways we can do it. And it's how do we just keep pulling back to the i No matter how crazy things get. And the more we do that, the more we can stay focused and centered. And the more that we can kind of organize that casts, so and so has this, this gone on the squat. And nowadays technology makes things so much easier. It makes things more complex. But it also makes things easier when it comes to family family schedules. I mean, I used to have a frigerator that had you had the the one with the it wasn't a tablet on there. But it was a well, I forget what they call it. But um, and I told my wife, I'm like, I think we're a little too, we didn't have a cake yet. So I'm like, I think we're way too early for a refrigerator like this. She was like, Why? Because there's a family schedule on there, you have my schedule already. I was like, we can sync all these other things. And like we don't do that right now. But I'm like, it's kind of cool that a refrigerator can have all that there. So then you can just look and go so and so has this appointment this is so and so's appointments here. So So think and you can have it kind of all synced in the family calendar and things like that.

Lindsay Miller  27:32  
Yeah, there's so many ways to keep track of what what is needful. And I love that analogy of the eye of the storm and how you can have that chaos swirling around you. But you can be calm in the midst of it and almost, you know, back to the idea about productivity earlier and being able to be more efficient. I think it can almost feel like you you're you're managing the chaos very literally from that eye of the storm, right? Like you're kind of like managing that swirl that's around you in a really powerful way. If you are tuning in being present. And then I think it's this is an ideal time to loop back to your point about being present in the morning, like starting the day, with a sense of just like calm so that you can access it again, I'm always telling kids, like, if you can start your day and know what calm feels like it's going to be much easier to find it kind of like going to the gym for the first time in a new school. Right? If you know where the gym is, like it might be it might take a little bit to get there again, but you're going to be able to find it right but if you're just looking for the gym in the middle of the day and you're frazzled and you don't know where it is and you don't know how to get there it's going to be a lot harder to find it and so I think like column is the same for moms right if we're if we can access it early, early and often then it's easier to find that I like you said get re centered bring ourselves back into that space where like okay, I've got this I'm I'm like managing this this swirl around me instead of feeling like you're floundering and you're not sure which way is up and how to get back to center. So I think that wisdom comes in again here like just knowing knowing those small moments like I'm starting to edge out of the eye, being able to bring myself back in those that kind of small refinement comes after you like access the AI to begin with right like know what it feels like

Dr. Vic Manzo  29:27  
100% I mean and it's it's again, tailoring it back to what we've been talking about too is like and as much as you do this as a parent or a mom does this the more you're teaching your kid that by doing but also by energy because you're coming from that place like I always had you know there's an example of just to share like i My mom has been a fitness instructor now for 38 years he has been a yoga instructor for over 20 So growing up I was conditioned to see health as being you know someone who is exercising, you know, taking supplements and taking checks But one of the things that has been incorporated in me is I've my mom always worked out, because it was she got addicted to working out in a good way. And it was one of those things where she was like, this is just something that I do, it's in my core beliefs is that you have to move, you got to keep exercising. My mom never told me those things. But if he asked me fixed up exercising for a couple of weeks, I think you're crazy, I have to exercise, I gotta keep moving. I gotta keep this body as in shape as best as I can. Now from a physique showing, you know, Beachbody kind of look, it's just challenging my body to do things so I can stay as young as possible. And I look back and I go, mom never told me that. But I know she conditioned that in some way, shape, or form, because of the seeing, but also because of where her presence was energetically, what was her beliefs about that. And so that's the thing I like, there's so much nonverbal things that we pass down to our children, this is why I said, I'm gonna have a five month old daughter, I keep telling, I know, there's going to come over and there's things I'm going to mess up on. And it's gonna be very unconscious. But there's gonna be things also that I didn't even like, even though it's unconscious, I don't know. It's just gonna be also where was my energy, you know, in watching and seeing as she develops, being mindful, like, where's my thought process, but I'm not gonna remember this, but where I was now versus 10 years, and then she's like, well, she has the same things you had. And I'd be like, kind of work through that. So it's the things that we're we're coming from energetically, but and also the doing side of it, that will constantly mold and condition our children in many different ways.

Lindsay Miller  31:25  
Yeah, I'm so glad you brought that up again. Because I am reminded of a conversation with my daughter, she's 13. And I started doing mindfulness when she was just little and one of the things that she she will say, like, Mom, did you meditate today? You know, like, if I'm a little edgy, or she can tell, I'm just my energy's off, right? Like, I'm just not, I'm not my balanced self. She would not say that I'm balanced 24/7 But I tried to maintain like, you know, a level of stability mentally and emotionally and but she can tell, you know, and I would love for her to be meditating all the time. She She's more of a deep breather, right. So in the moment, she needs it, she knows where to go for it. But I, I love that example that you shared about your mom, like, I I'm not making her meditate, right? Because I don't think we should make anyone meditate. But I'm encouraging her by my actions. And by her like, honest assessment of my, you know, like, my mental space to like to meditate. Like I've seen when my mom is not, you know, when she's feeling kind of overly stressed and like, I'm connecting that I don't think she meditated this morning, we're having a conversation about it. In that moment, I could be defensive, I could get frustrated, I could you know, what, I didn't, you know, I could be all kinds of things, but like, I'm letting her learn from my actions, you know, like, what are the things that keep my mom balanced meditation, that's one of the big ones. And I know it from her energy from her manner, when she doesn't. So like she knows it's important, you know, in her in her thought process, about my well being and so I love that example you shared with your mom, because I think we are we're sending so many messages to our kids. By the way we care for ourselves, the way we manage circumstances, the way we cultivate resilience. And the investment we make in ourselves in those moments is an investment that pays dividends over and over and over and over again in our kiddos

Dr. Vic Manzo  33:17  
No, and I appreciate you bringing that up too because it's it's one of those things that you're you're also showing her right because she's seeing you not in your best month you meditate but what you're also teaching her to in her mind as she's going okay, bye don't meditate then this is what can be this is what the other side is and you're teaching them the other side of things. It's just again, my daughter is only five months old, but yet I remember was like last week, I was coming downstairs and my wife was in the kitchen holding her and I was just like in a very hyper focused productive mode I was just coming down to get something going back up the work but I was my gret my energy comes off very like I'm very high energy so if I'm super focused and my wife will look and just go okay, I feel that tornado I'm just let him be. But I wanted to hold my daughter for a second and she started to cry. She didn't want to be near me. And I'm like son of a god. And then I go oh, yeah, hold on. I'm like you know what, let me just slow down because I don't want her to have ever imprint that anywhere. So let me just check myself and then give it back to my my wife she calmed it down, got her back because I scared her the energy scared I didn't do anything I didn't like Brentley show up in front of it was just my my presence of that energy. When I called my energy that I came back with a loving tender energy not saying anything not doing anything body language was just my energy inside. Like, I just thought let me just I image my daughter smiling and being happy and what it did to my heart and I said okay, let me go approach her and I approached her and also she just looked at me she does this little smirk and then she smiled and then I was able to take her and I held her and we were fine. So that's the just to share another example like our energy it because then what would happen if I didn't correct that or like recheck that, then all sudden shouldn't be like, Oh, that's that's the feeling I get with that. So I'm going off tangent here, but I just felt like I had to share that story. No, I

Lindsay Miller  34:58  
think yeah, no, I'm glad we're getting into I know we don't have that much time left. But I would love to touch more on energy because I think it's something we don't think about a lot. And it has such a bearing on our personal state, but also our relational states too. And I think in our external relationship with the world in general, but help me understand like for someone who's coming to this conversation without a background in kind of like energetics, and is kind of wondering what we're talking about right now, how do you kind of bridge into the understanding of energy in a way that makes sense, and people can kind of start to play around with it and notice it?

Dr. Vic Manzo  35:33  
Yeah, so energy, you know, just like the energy can be anything like its vibration, its consciousness levels, it's, you know, frequencies. Now, that sounds a little out there, but see emotions, you know, what emotion are you feeling, because when your energy shifts, right, you can feel it, I say, think of something that you love, and something that you really enjoy, pay attention and see where it shows up in your body, you're gonna probably feel a little lighter, you have a little more beaten into the body, and so forth. If I say, think of something you hate, or you're disgusted by or so you're one of your pet peeves, then all of a sudden, you're going to feel a heaviness. Usually, it's like, for me, I get an image in my body of like, sludge just moving and I'm like, Oh, I don't like that. I want to just like, Get it off me as quick as I can. That's the feelings of energy and understanding what we're at. So like, if you're, I'm a very, it's very easy for me to just keep going and going and going. So like, when I, I have to, like, check myself and slow myself down. But you've all been like, if you've been in a relationship, you know, when you're, you're getting annoyed by your partner. And instead of like checking yourself and saying, Well, I'm annoyed, so I'm not gonna be the best person right now I'm gonna be reactive and be impulsive, things are gonna bother me. Instead, let me just take a moment, let me take it take a second, let me just breathe, let me call him and reset my energy. And then I can an energy or just get into a different state feeling wise. And then from there, I can approach it. And then I'll have a little bit more of an open mind. Because when you have higher energy level states or higher emotional states, or different mental states withdrawal, same thing, and a certain way, then you can have more of an open mind, and you're not gonna be so defensive, and so forth. Same thing with children, this all works the same thing. Same thing in business, money, life, health, your own inner critic, these all work the same way. And you can take them and look and go, Alright, what's going on, Mike, you know, my kiddos being really like, like I said, my daughter was trying to get to sleep, and I wanted her to sleep. But you know, she kicked in, and I was like, Hold on, why am I getting mad at a five month old? Let me slow down for a second. And I wasn't like you wouldn't use if you walked into the room, you would just be like, Oh, he's just he's just bouncing on a ball and trying to go to sleep. But internally, there was a whole different feeling going on. And then when I corrected, edit, calm, then everything was fine. And the same thing I and I'm, I'm still trying to master this. You know, it's I'm nowhere near where I want to be with this. But it's at the same token, it's, it's, you know, how many times can we just check in? Have a check in Hey, how am I feeling right now? Where am I at right now? Where's my where's my mindset at work? Mindset just means where you're focusing? And then where's my energy? How am I feeling? Right? When you tie those two together, that really creates your energy imprint? You know, because the mind, mind thoughts, things like that as electrical and your emotions are really magnetic. So when you tie these two together, you're creating this like electromagnetic force your kids pick up on those electromagnetic forces. That's why I said everything's energy at the end of the day. So I'm bringing a little bit of the science here, to kind of tie it in. So there's that frequency that we're projecting out, you've all experienced this, this is not woowoo. We've all had it before. You had a gut feeling about someone or with especially with moms like I as much as I was a chiropractor and pediatric chiropractor and all these things. I always told my mom's I will never go question your intuition. If you feel in tune in something, or you say, Hey, I don't feel like intuitively This is really maybe a care plan or recommendation or something, I look and go, I'm not going to judge that. Because that's way past my paygrade and I know you as a mom are extremely connected to your child you know everything. Like how many times you hear stories of something happens to someone's you know, kids, a kid that happens in mom's not even near there, but she gets that feeling. She just know something went wrong. You know, it's there's this app, there's that that's in quantum physics, the oldest like spookiness of life. And it's just one of those things where I'm like, I just don't, you know, it's it's, you have that intuition, that feeling? And that's the energy that just part of what I'm trying to explain a little bit of.

Lindsay Miller  39:07  
Yeah, no, that's such a great, I'm glad you brought it up in those different ways. Because I think that the examples you shared me too accessible, you know, everybody could touch on at least one. One of the friends that I had, she used to describe herself as a duck. She was like, on the outside, I seem like I'm just kind of like gracefully float floating on the water. And under the water. I'm doing this and like, I'm moving my hands right now really fast. And she was just like, I'm paddling constantly all the time. And I think that it's that there's so much beauty in bringing our external reality into integrity with our energetic reality, right and making it so those two things are combined in a really honest and authentic way because I think as moms sometimes like you mentioned earlier, we can mask it right and our energy can be like flying out of it. You know, we can be really just like strong up or high Strong, and we can externally manifest this like calm. But the beauty comes when we can access the calm internally when we know we need it right. And like you gave some examples of thinking of your daughter when she was like Smile, smile, imagining her smiling at you. And you know, just being being close to you. And Britt letting that energy come in, and letting that be the space that you were kind of occupying in your next interaction with her. And I think as moms, we have the ability and the tools, and you pointed it out, like the intuition is there to do that, it's just making a conscious choice to be mindful of the energy that we're currently, you know, working with, and then choosing and practicing bringing in the energy that we want to work, you know, want to have and want to hold and want to live from, and then being in that space more often by checking in.

Dr. Vic Manzo  40:51  
Yeah, for all the moms out there, you may if you feel like this is a little overwhelming, trust me, you just take it by bite sizes of whatever columns, you the columns of brain from being so overwhelmed by adding something to the mix. And just know that when you just stay consistent, whatever that practice is just choose one, just choose one doesn't don't, we shared a couple different things. But if you just choosing one, and then just do that really good. It takes about three months, roughly two to three months to wire that into the brain. And then when I say wired into the brain, I mean, that's subconsciously, then all of a sudden, you're just automatically doing that. And then you don't have to think about it anymore. And then it's like, okay, what was the next thing? What was the other thing we talked about? Oh, yeah, I'm gonna try that. Next. Yeah, once you get this one down and feels good, and it's in a rhythm, then you can add something else. And before you know it, within six months to a year, you can have a lot of these practices put in and then imagine who you are at that place, and how you're going to be not only just for yourself, but also for your kids, the family unit so much more because moms for the most part, I mean, that's there's a little bit of a change, we're seeing some dads, I used to say like I worked with moms and everyone's like, and some people What about the dads, it's okay, 99% of the time at work with moms, I'd have like one or two dads, that would be like the opposite role. And I go, and I always thought that was cool. But it was one of the things I'm like, but that's why I'm like, if I say moms a lot, it's because I you know, that's what I mainly worked with, but being able to, you know, slowly implement that thing. You just give me yourself, you know, day by day and doing that. You eventually get into the nervous system. When it does, it's automatic. And it's such a game changer. I mean, you're talking to someone who was an undiagnosed ADHD kiddo. And all these other things couldn't focus couldn't do this. And now I can I've written three books, and that you have to have some sort of focus to do that. And other things I do now, and it's like, who I am. Now, when I look back to who I was back, then I'm like, Man, I am so happy. I've done the work to get to where I'm at here. So much more to go. But it's like I'm so happy from where I am now compared to iOS, because there's so much more calm, there's so much more ease and you you don't get so stressed. And that anxious that overwhelm. Overwhelm is like some of those like second nature to me. So can relate to some moms in that way.

Lindsay Miller  42:54  
Yeah, yeah. Thanks for sharing that. I was talking to a mom yesterday and I was we were talking about the work that it takes to just care for yourself intentionally, and how it's just worth it. And like you just said, that few minutes a day, one practice at a time, you know, taking those small baby steps. Like it allows you to show up in the way that you want to show up and the way you're trying so hard right now to show up. But you were able to do it in a more effortless to take your word way, right, because you're investing here in a way that just compounds the impact of your effort really beautifully over time, and allows you to, like show up with the kind of compassion, the kind of patience the kind of love that is in you already. Right? It just like has a more clear avenue to find itself like manifest in your life.

Dr. Vic Manzo  43:44  
Well, I couldn't say it any better.

Lindsay Miller  43:48  
Dr. Rick, thank you so much for joining me this has been such a fantastic conversation, so many gems of wisdom. Talk to me about where people can find you. How can they connect with you and your work your books?

Dr. Vic Manzo  43:59  
Yeah, my websites, my hub and power your on there, I have my book available decoding the matrix. I have some free resources, like the power of visualization in how our mind can really alter our physical reality in so many ways. And then I have a free call for coaching if anyone's a business owner, or you're looking to learn some of the concepts of mindset, how to use the mind more and universal laws and other things I teach with quantum physics and neuroscience. But last but not least, if you have any questions in the bottom left of my website, I have my where I'm on social media. So I'm on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Tik Tok. Any questions you have reach out, I always love hearing from

Lindsay Miller  44:38  
people. Wonderful. Thank you again.

Dr. Vic Manzo  44:42  
Now. Thank you and thanks for all the work you do especially with the mindfulness for kids. So needed.

Lindsay Miller  44:46  
Thank you. Well, what did you think? I was really inspired as I listened to him and chatted with him and it made me reflect on the times when I bring subpar entertained interactions. And it's no Normally, that we do that, right, but I love the idea of building awareness around like our energetic field and like what what am I bringing? What kind of energy am I bringing, you know, to this moment. And I think that there's so much beauty that can come from just recognizing the opportunity we have, and then letting go of any guilt, we might feel around like, Oh, I haven't been paying attention to this, or I'm not that intentional about it, or oh my gosh, I probably messed up my kids or, you know, any number of ways we could be right ourselves after hearing this, I think it's really important to bring attention to that and like compassionate awareness. And the point being like that Maya Angelou quote, do good. And then when you know better do better. So if you felt inspired, or you felt like a nudge to shift your energy in relation to the your interactions with your kids, or a partner or coworker, or you know, whoever it might be, like, take it as an invitation, but a compassionate one. So I hope you enjoyed it. Thanks again for being here. 

You've just finished an episode of The Stress Nanny podcast. So hopefully you feel a little more empowered when it comes to dealing with stress. Feel free to take a deep breath and let it out slowly. As you go back to your day. I'm so glad you're here. If you're a longtime listener, thank you so much for your support. It really means the world to me. If you're new, I'd love to have you follow the podcast and join me each week. And no matter how long you've been listening, please share this episode with someone who is stressed out. If you enjoyed the show, would you please do me a favor and go to and leave a review. The link is in the show notes. I'm so grateful for all my listeners. Thank you again for being here. Until next time!

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